It’s the one language that people who know nothing about coding seem to always be familiar with.
We’ve spoken a lot about different programming languages, and about how each one is uniquely excellent. Today, we’re excited be taking a look at (maybe) the king of all programming languages. It’s the one language that people who know nothing about coding seem to always be familiar with. It’s been around for almost 30 years, and people are constantly asking whether this language’s best days are already in the past. This language is none other than Java.
Developed by Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle) all the way back in 1995, Java has stood the test of time and remains one of the, if not the most in-demand technical skills within today’s workforce.
Here are 6 reasons why you MUST learn Java:
Platform Independence
Perhaps the biggest reason behind Java’s widespread popularity is its platform independence. As long as the computer has a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed, you can run Java programs on it. Most types of computers will possess JRE compatibility, so this is where Java gains an edge.
Consistency, Reliability, and Dependability
Get this, Java Developers are reported to have the lowest career switch rate, at a miniscule 7.5%. We’re talking in terms of ALL jobs/occupations…not just tech jobs. That’s massive! Why is that the case? It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly why, but it’s safe to assume that there are several reasons. Job security, salary, work-life balance, remote work opportunities…these are all probable root causes. The take home point here is that most Java Developers (relative to every other occupation) must be at least somewhat pleased with their overall career landscape. If that wasn’t the case, why would they stick around for the long haul? That leads us to our next point, which is…
According to LinkedIn, there are more than 4 times as many job openings for Java as there are for C#. Despite the recent surge in popularity of languages like Swift, R, and Python, Java still manages to make it at or near the top of the demand list. According to the research, Java is used in a whopping 58% of the organizations who were represented by the 601 respondents. That puts them at the top of the list, with only JavaScript coming in close at 57%.
It’s the King of Writing Android applications
While Swift is the main guy at the party in the iOS world, Java has been the king of the Android world for years. Though Kotlin, a relatively new open-source programming language, is giving Java a run for its money, Java still stands on top of the Android mountain. This is probably due to Java’s significantly larger development community, but might also have something to do with Java’s popularity and stability.
This isn’t unlike a lot of other programming languages out there, but Java can really help you land a handsome payday. According to, the average salary for a Java Developer in the U.S. sits at a healthy $100,758. That figure includes both entry level and mid-career level salaries, so if you took out the lower entry level ones, you’d be looking at an even higher salary as you advance in your career. Additionally, it’s a well-known reality that tech jobs can pay significantly more on the west coast.
Another aspect to consider here is that learning Java sets you up for such a wide array of career opportunities. Java Developer, Full Stack Web Developer, Back End Web Developer, Software Engineer, Software Developer, Software Architect…the list seemingly goes on and on. Not only does Java pay well, it offers you career flexibility to help you ensure that you can bring in that good salary over the long haul, even if you decide to apply for a different role.
Learning Java isn’t THAT easy
You might be thinking to yourself, “…uhhh, what?!”
Why on earth would you want to go after a programming language that isn’t so beginner friendly? Very simple: higher barrier to entry. As with many things in life…the more difficult something is, the more likely you are to find people steering clear from that thing.
While we aren’t claiming that Java is impossible for beginners, it’s probably not going to be as straightforward as Python. With that being said, we have had complete beginners go through our Java & Cloud Computing course, and they performed just fine. This is a perfect opportunity for you to separate yourself from your competition by learning a skill that some people might be hesitant to pursue.
Final Thoughts
Setting out to learn a brand new programming language isn’t always the easiest task, but it’s something that can be necessary for enhancing your career/salary prospects. It’s important to plan ahead with your end goal in mind, at all times. No one programming language is going to be the one-size-fits-all for all technical career paths. The optimal choice will vary, depending on the situation/context at hand.
With that being said, Java is an excellent option…especially if you’re looking to go into the software side. The overall demand and versatility speak for themselves, and you’d be casting a very wide net onto your ocean of potential job opportunities.
If you’re serious about learning Java, check out our Java & Cloud Computing course. This is a 20-week course taught by a seasoned industry professional. In addition to Java, you’ll be going into AWS, which is one of the most widely used cloud computing services on the market. Mastering this dynamic duo can set you up for the lucrative tech job you’ve been working towards. We’ll help you learn all the technical skills, and then guide/mentor you in your quest for a new career. We’ll work with you to build your resume, optimize your LinkedIn profile, master technical interview skills, and then finally search for a job.