One of the most important trait we learn from school and college is the work ethic, discipline, and a “never give up attitude.”
Coding schools are plenty nowadays.
From the big, pricey ones to the small, local ones, everyone is trying to capitalize on the demand for skilled workers in the tech space. There are lot of hiring managers who would never consider a bootcamp graduate. But then, according to an article on Glassdoor, here are 15 companies that have said they do not require a college diploma for some of their top jobs. More and more employers are realizing that just book smarts alone does not equate strong ethic, grit and talent. In fact, I would argue that one of the most important traits we learn from school and college is the work ethic, discipline, and a “never give up attitude.” And there are plenty of individuals who are unable to go to college but have learned these skills with their life experiences and challenges.
Lot of our students at Skillspire, come from various non-traditional backgrounds (especially refugees and immigrants,) after having gone through various life challenges and struggles. They are focused on learning and determined to make a difference. In working with them, some of the characteristics that stand out are below:
Diversity in tech
If you are a company that values diversity, coding schools provide just that. From local candidates who are changing careers to refugees and immigrants who are starting a new life, coding schools provide a diverse background of graduates.
Grateful, Loyal and hard-working
One of the distinct characteristics that we, at Skillspire, see is the gratitude for having given the opportunity and network for the students to pursue a career in tech. Each student comes with a very powerful story of the struggles that they have been through in life and the decisions that they have made that lead them to a coding school. They possess a great sense of gratitude, loyalty and grit that tech companies will value in their employees.
Dedicated and willing to learn
With a passion for learning and the grit to make it to the tech sector, they are life-long learners. Pivoting from various areas like Biology, Chemistry, Business, these students have made a conscious decision when they approach a coding school. Companies can help hone these skills by providing opportunities for these students to learn on the job and grow their career.
Not just coding
Coding has become a necessity in the world that we live in. But with a foundation in technical skills, there are plenty of other non-coding jobs that could be pursued. PMs, DevOps, technical sales, marketing and more.
Yes, there maybe holes and lack of depth in some of the students, but we need employers to meet them half-way and mold these life-long learners from diverse backgrounds to be a productive citizen.