An in-depth look at what exactly the full stack web development profession entails.
Whenever we hear the word, “coding,” several different job titles come to mind: Web Developer, Software Engineer, Data Analyst, Project Manager, Cyber Security Engineer, etc.
Anyone who has a friend or family member working in IT knows that the industry is booming and many people who work in the field make a lot of money right out of the gate. Even more alluring about the IT industry is that so many people are now forgoing 4-year, formal University Educations for coding bootcamps. These coding bootcamps cost significantly less than traditional 4-year degrees and equip students with the skills necessary to land lucrative IT jobs in far less time.
What do full stack developers actually do?
Within most Coding Bootcamps, there are a number of different courses to choose from. One of the cohorts that has become very popular is referred to as “Full Stack Development.” This term may sound extremely technical, but it’s actually a lot more straightforward than the average person might assume. Basically, a full stack developer is someone who is familiar with both the front end and back end of a website or application. The back end developer is responsible for assembling all of the “under the hood” databases and infrastructure, while the front end developer is tasked with assembling the parts of the website which are visible to the viewer. Think of this as the difference between an auto mechanic who fixes the engine versus the body shop technician who fixes the dents on the outside of your car. Commonly used front end languages include HTML and CSS. Common back end languages include Python, Javascript, Java, and PHP.
Why are they so valuable?
Okay that’s simple enough – a full stack web developer is capable of working on both the front and back ends. So what does that mean in the job market? Many developers spend the majority of their time in either front web development or back end web development; however, a full stack developer, has the ability to jump into any section of a website/application code and make contributions. This makes a full stack developer more valuable. When it comes to building, a full stack developer can do it all. Employers would much rather hire one person who understands and can handle both ends rather than hiring 2 or 3 engineers who have to communicate with each other to complete a project. Furthermore, the line which separates what can be done on the back end from what can be done on the front end has slowly faded, bit by bit, which essentially means that we are beginning to see more and more overlap with regards to what can be done on the front and back ends.
The demand for Full Stack Web Developers is high.
If you dream of working for a major tech company like Facebook or Google, full stack development might be the right path to an amazing new career. The average salary for a full stack web developer in Seattle is $100k/year. If you prefer to work your own hours, full stack training also provides you with opportunities for freelance work. If you are already working in tech, it never hurts to equip yourself with a wider array of programming skills to make yourself more valuable in the job market.
To learn more about our 16 week Full Stack Web Development bootcamp and certification, click here!