Frequently Asked Questions

What’s this about scholarships?

Skillspire’s mission is to encourage diversity within the tech industry and make it look more like the customers it serves. In order to actualize this goal, we offer a few methods to help bootstrap you into landing the job of your dreams. Want to see if you qualify for a scholarship? Apply here.

Additionally, depending on the course, we offer a monthly payment plan. Contact us to get started.

We also have veteran re-training discounts and military discounts. Contact us to see if you are eligible.

What if I don’t have any knowledge of coding?

You do not need any knowledge of coding to start our Full Stack course. We start from the very basic principles.

What courses do you offer?

We offer two courses in Data Analytics – Intro and Advanced. Intro teaches Excel, SQL and Power BI. And Advanced teaches Python, Machine Learning, Statistics, Predictive Analytics and more. The Full Stack starts from the basic of HTMl, CSS and gets into JavaScript including data structures and algorithms.

Job Placement Assistance

Skillspire’s instructors come from reputable tech companies with a wealth of knowledge on how to land a job at one of their companies. We cannot promise you a job offer upon completion of one of our courses, as that is dependent on your determination and drive. However, we will offer resume and interview workshops as well as one-on-one assistance.

Resume Assistance

In all of our courses, we offer one-on-one resume building and interview help. We will work on your resume, white-boarding, networking, and put on mock-interviews.

How long and how often are the programs that you offer?

Data Analytics meets five times a week for 16 weeks and Full Stack meets five times a week for 16 weeks.

Skillspire Course Wiki

We believe having the right information in your journey to transform your career is vital, and it should be easily accessible. Here’s a comprehensive wiki that should answer most of your questions.

Full Stack Web Development
I heard Python is very beginner friendly, is that true?

Absolutely. Python is known for having an extremely beginner friendly syntax. You need not use nearly as much code to write out a particular command using Python, as you would with Java.

Is Python used for front-end or back-end?

Both! Because Python is a general purpose language, it can be used for both front and back end work. With that being said, it’s probably more likely that you’ll see Python being used on the back-end. It’s not that using Python for the front is unheard of, it’s just the syntax and server-side usage make it more of an ideal weapon for back-end work.

Which is more emphasized during the course, the front-end or the back-end?

Great question! You’ll spend similar amounts of time learning both the front and back ends. Because the front-end contains a few more significant concepts than the back-end does, you will spend slightly more time on the front. Additionally, the majority of people who break into the field do so by landing front-end positions, so there will be slightly more emphasis being placed on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React.

What exactly is React?

React is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library designed by Facebook. It is used for creating user interfaces or UI components. React can be used as the foundation for creating a single page or mobile apps.

Intro to Data Analytics and Advanced Data Analytics
How come Python is used for web development, as well as for data analytics?

Python has become widely recognized as perhaps the most versatile programming languages around. It is used for data analytics, data science, front-end development, back-end development, and even more. The syntax is also extremely user-friendly, which makes it a great language for beginners.

What exactly are machine learning and artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is essentially the machine-demonstrated intellect, primarily as a means of replacing or improving upon human/animal intellect.

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence that relies on the use of data. The fundamental principle here is that the algorithmic technical work will improve over time, as more and more data is collected.

Do I need to learn coding for this subject?

You will need some basic foundational technical knowledge. We’re not saying that you’ll need to become a Senior Full Stack Developer, but you will be going into concepts such as SQL, which we teach in our Intro course.

What is the difference between data analytics and data science?

While there certainly is overlap between the two, data analytics won’t be as heavy on the technical side. For analytics, you’ll still need foundational knowledge of things like SQL, Excel, and Power BI, but the depth won’t need to be as exhaustive. For data science, on the other hand, you’ll most likely need to be technically sound in Python or R. You’ll also dive deep into subjects such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, which won’t be the case if you’re into the analytics front.

Do I need any prior technical experience/background to get into this field?

Not necessarily. While it can help, our course (as an example) is designed to cater to complete beginners.

Does learning Cyber Security feature any coding?

Yes and no. As someone seeking entry-level employment, you probably won’t need programming knowledge. As you progress in your career, however, it might be of benefit for you to start learning a language or two.

C# and Azure Cloud
Are C# jobs increasing or decreasing in real-time?

C# jobs appear to be on the rise. The language was developed by Microsoft in 2020 and remains extremely in-demand to this day.

Overall, how does C# compare to Java?

Both C# and Java are used primarily for back-end work, so there are many similarities. With that being said, C# has a simpler syntax, which makes it a better option for complete beginners. Additionally, C# is known as being an extremely popular language for video game development. If you’re a big gamer, there’s a strong likelihood that the games you play on a daily basis were coded using C#.

Java and Cloud Computing with AWS
Isn’t Java considered to be one of the more difficult languages to learn, especially for beginners?

Most technical people would agree that Java is not one of the easier programming languages to get a hold of. The syntax is more convoluted, and it isn’t extremely common that someone with zero prior coding experience is able to confidently tackle Java. With that being said, this makes for an excellent opportunity to create a mote around your skillset. Because many people actually are afraid of trying out Java, it’s a great way to diversify your skillset and learn something that the majority simply isn’t willing to.

Why is so Java still so popular after all these years?

Java’s platform independence is perhaps the number one reason for its seemingly never-ending stay at the top of the ranks. It is incredibly portable, because programs can run on several different types of computers.

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